Zec to btc poloniex

zec to btc poloniex

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Warning ZCash ZEC Holders
Pair / Vol: Price: 24h Change. $ 24h Change: +%. 24h High: 24h Low: 24h Volume(ZEC): 24h Volume(BTC). �With Coinrule you can trade ZEC on Poloniex even when you sleep!� Carlos BTC � BCH � BTS � BCN � DASH � DCR � DGB � DOGE � EOS � ETH � ETC � LSK � LTC � XMR. 1 ZEC equals BTC. The current value of 1 Zcash is % against the exchange rate to BTC in the last 24 hours. The current Zcash market cap is.
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Total Trades 24hr , Contact our excellent support team at support. We sometimes use cookies to improve the performance of our website. ZEC rebounding to previous levels. The issue you were experiencing has now been fixed.