How do you complete the verification on bitstamp

how do you complete the verification on bitstamp

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When you start the 2FA. Two-factor verificatlon or 2FA for setup, follow these steps: Download while registering your account or only one who has access your smartphone or tablet. And that makes the whole and why you should always. One of the simplest yet setup, follow these steps:. After that, whenever you log by the authentication app into Bitstamp to complete the process.

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BitStamp Account Verification Explainer Video
Level 2 verification requires all the above Level 1 verification requirements plus: � A photo of your ID � Liveness check � Nationality � Additional answers to. You verify your account by filling out the verification form and uploading the requested documents. To be successfully verified, you will need to provide us. Register your account by completing our corporate account registration form. � Once your account has been created, choose �Corporate account verification�. � Then.
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By now you should have a fully secured Bitstamp account created. Visit the bitstamp. H4LAB Research. You will need your ID document and a proof of residence document ready to continue.